
Things I miss about Dallas

in no particular order (except maybe the first one)

*sigh* I need to make a run, soon.


Woodrow said...

I can't imagine missing Dallas.

I bet the list of things you'd miss down there is longer though, huh?

I mean, you can't snare a beaver on I-35.

Sara said...

Very true, W. In fact, I think we're going fishing this weekend, too. Although there's fish in Dallas, you can't get pine trees and a dirt road in your view.

Heather said...

.... and me. IF.... you know what I'm sayin'. ;)

Anonymous said...

A lot of those are on my list, too. You, Adair's, and happy hour are definitely at the top.


Anonymous said...

i just miss you, plain and simple. I could do without most of the other stuff:)
Please pray for me as I attend the famed St. Paddy's Day parade tomorrow....it could get interesting.

V said...

Rumor is we're getting a Campisi's here. I'll believe it when I see it.

That Campisi's in Kroger's was great, though, on that Saturday we decided to be complete bums. That could describe almost any weekend I stayed at your apartment. LOL

Anonymous said...

V- here I thought I was "fun" and "entertaining"-- now I find out, I was a bum! J/K.. I know it and love it!

V said...

LOL! You know I don't care to spend my Saturday mornings any other way.

De!dre said...

I miss you, too! Come visit us soon!!

Dawn Renee said...

Woo-Hoo I made the list! well, you know I miss you...and you should definitely make a run soon!