Think about a Ho-Ho and a piece of chocolate cake.
They're both chocolate, but the Ho-Ho is light and fluffy but lacking much substance. It's filled with artificial things that offer no nutritional value.
Now think about a piece of chocolate cake.
It's rich and thick and full of goodness. It's got real ingredients- things with substance.
I think that's how a person's life should be- like chocolate cake. Sure, Ho-Ho's are a great snack, but if you really want something to remember- it's always the cake. Thick and rich and wonderful.
Chew on that. I did... and it was good.
I'm the biggest piece of rich, thick chocolate cake forever.
Take that Ho-Ho in Washington.
i didnt mean forever. I meant thickest cake EVER. :)
*snicker* @ "Ho-Ho in Washington"!
I like Ho-Hos but I LOVE CHOCOLATE cake!!!! Yummy!
I wish I could chew on either right now, but I can't. D-I-E-T!! :-)
Hahahaha! "Ho-Ho in Washington". HAHAHAHA!
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