

My poor Cooper.  We're teething.  I say "we" because the whole family is feeling the pain.  He's not sleeping well at all-- we do Tylenol before bed and again in the middle of the night.  He's chewing and drooling and fussy as can be.

There's been a lot of this.
And this.
But yesterday, I gave him a new teething toy.

An apple slice, his first taste of real food.
He didn't really know what it was.
But it must've been ok.
Maybe he'll like it better next time, but for now, it gets one "toe" up.


Cindy said...

Lol. Hang in there, and hope it breaks soon. And you also get a toe up for a super cute post!

Cristal said...

Finally at a real computer to comment...
He is adorable! I can't believe how much hair he has compared to Betsy!
I bet he loved the apple!

Gabrielle said...

Sweet baby!!!